
原创 新人教版核心词汇全方位拓展 X2U2

刘付莹 爱V高中英语 2023-09-17















X2U2 Bridging Cultures















consisting of many different parts or processes  adj. 复杂的


同根词complexity n.  


例1: Decide if the sentence is compound(look for and, but ,or, etc.) or complex (look for who, when, where, etc.)  

--- 教材原句P14

例2: Although previous research has shown that apes and monkeys can understand complex information from another animal’s call, the animals do not appear to use their voices intentionally to communicate messages.  

--- 2021.01浙江 C篇

例3: However, boys tended to play with more complex puzzles than girls, and the parents of boys provided more spatial language and were more active during puzzle play than parents of girls.

--- 2020全国II卷B篇

例4:However, they relied on their complex brains to develop more sophisticated methods of finding Cheese.  

---Who moved my cheese?《谁动了我的奶酪》

例5:There was the 10pm curfew for pubs and restaurants and then the creation of local “tiers” resulting in public health messaging so complex ministers couldn’t explain it.

--- The Times-2021-07-22


(1)a complex subject ________________________

(2)a complex situation ________________________

(3)复杂的系统 ________________________

(4)复杂的过程 ________________________








(1)a complex subject复杂难懂的科目

(2)a complex situation复杂的局面

(3)a complex system复杂的系统

(4)a complex process复杂的过程



The world is more complex than it seems.


He performed in long and complex ballets.


[ˈkwɔlifai] vt.&vi


if your knowledge or ability qualifies you to do sth, it makes you a suitable person to do it   vt.&vi (使)具备资格;(使)合格 


三单qualifies        现在分词qualifying  

过去分词qualified     同根词 qualification n.


例1: Xie Lei is studying for a business qualification at a university in China.

 --- 教材原句P14

例2: Follow all rules carefully to prevent disqualification. 

--- 2020山东A篇

例3: He’s been informed that he doesn’t qualify for the scholarship because of his academic background.  

--- 2017江苏单项填空

例4:To supply this Want I was at a great Loss; for of all Trades in the World I was as perfectly unqualified for a Stone-cutter, as for any whatever; neither had I any Tools to go about it with.

---Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨孙漂流记》

例5:Qualifying was moved to Friday evening, the sprint (as F1 would like us to call it) was on Saturday afternoon and the main race was unchanged from its familiar slot on Sunday.

 --- The Times-2021-07-22

例6:The eight highest-ranked clubs from each pool will qualify for two-legged last-16 ties.

--- The Times-2021-07-22


(1)be qualified for ______________________

(2)a qualification for ____________________

(3)获得资格 __________________









(1)be qualified for胜任..., 适合...

(2)a qualification for 对...的条件

(3)acquire qualifications获得资格

(4)a nursing qualification 护理资格



Congratulations to you on your qualification for this competition!


I’m writing to apply to you, thinking that I’m well qualified for the job.


[æmˈbiʃən] n.


determination to be successful,rich,powerful etc  n.抱负;雄心;野心


复数 ambitions          同根词ambitious  adj.


例1: My ambition is to set up a business in China after graduation.

--- 教材原句P14

例2: Together, these deep human urges(驱策力)count for much more than ambition. 

--- 2020天津D篇

例3: Galileo was not merely ambitious when he dropped objects of varying weights from the Leaning Tower at Pisa and timed their fall to the ground.

--- 2020天津D篇

例4:The students all hated him, and it was the dearest ambition of many to give Mrs. Norris a good kick.

---Harry Potter 《哈利波特》

例5:Our ambition is to take the data around head impact load and use that to power the framework.

--- The Times-2021-07-22


(1)one’s ambition is to be / do sth _____________________

(2)be ambitious for _____________________

(3)have an ambition to do sth _____________________

(4)充满野心  _____________________

(5)实现某人的抱负 _____________________








(1)one’s ambition is to be / do sth某人的理想是...

(2)be ambitious for 渴望

(3)have an ambition to do sth 有做某事的愿望

(4)be full of ambition 充满野心

(6)realize/fulfill one’s ambition实现某人的抱负



She achieved her ambition of becoming a teacher after graduation.


 Qian Xuesen is a very ambitious man and one of his ambitions is to become a great scientist.


[ˌædæpˈteiʃən]  n.


a film or play that was first written in a different form  

n. 改编本            

the process by which something changes or is changed  n. 适应     


三单adapts            现在分词 adapting  

过去分词adapted       同根词 adapt v. ; adaptable adj.


例1: Xie Lei chose to live with a host family, who can help with her adaptation to the new culture.

--- 教材原句P14

例2: These include custom-made navigation (导航) tools, night vision systems and  intelligent speed adaptations.  

--- 2017全国D篇

例3: But the most sensible form of adaptation is surely to adapt our energy systems to emit less carbon pollution.

-- 2017江苏D篇

例4:Also, while electricity is good at turning propellers, it is less adapted, although some are trying, to running jet engines.

--- The Times-2021-07-22

例5:A building should be able to change and adapt.

---The Wall Street Journal-2021-07-22


(1)adaptation to the environment  ______________________

(2)a film adaptation ______________________

(3)adapt (oneself) to ______________________










(1)adaptation to the environment 适应环境

(2)a film adaptation电影的改编版

(3)adapt (oneself) to(某人)适应

(4)adapt to the life of new school 适应新学校的生活

(5)adapt a novel for television 把小说改编成电视



People in highlands have adapted to living at high altitudes.


I’m writing to ask for your help with our English short play adapted from our English textbook.


[inˈgeidʒ]  vt.&vi.


to take part in an activity             vi.参加;参与(活动)

to attract someone and keep their interest vt.吸引(注意力、兴趣)

to employ someone                  v.雇用,聘请


三单engages         现在分词engaging  

过去分词engaged      同根词  engagement  n.


例1: “Engaging in British culture has helped,” she said.”

--- 教材原句P15

例2: Those who were highest in status in high school, as well as those least liked in elementary school, are "most likely to engage in dangerous and risky behavior."

-- 2019全国I卷D篇

例3: A study shows the students who are engaged in after-school activities are happier than those who are not.

 -- 2019天津单项填空

例4:But now, as I have said, I began to be weary of the fruitless Excursion, which I had made so long, and so far, every Morning in vain, so my Opinion of the Action it self began to alter, and I began with cooler and calmer Thoughts to consider what it was I was going to engage in.  

--Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨孙漂流记》

例5:“We will continue to engage with the UK (and) are ready to continue to seek creative solutions, within the frame- work of the protocol, in the interest of all communities in Northern Ireland.

--- The Times-2021-07-22

例6:Although he said that police numbers in the particular area in which he was working were sufficient, there were “mixed messages” about crowd engagement. 

--- The Times-2021-07-22


(1)be engaged in ________________________

(2)engage (sb) in (doing) sth ________________________

(3)吸引某人的注意力 ________________________

(4)聘请某人做某事  ________________________








(1)be engaged in参加,参与

(2)engage (sb) in (doing) sth(使某人)积极参与某事

(3)engage one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力

(4)engage sb to do sth 聘请某人做某事



He was engaged as assistant manager.


I‘m writing to invite you to be engaged in the cultural festival 


[inˈvɔlv] vt.


to include something as a necessary part  vt. 包含;需要

to include or affect something  vt. 涉及;影响

to ask someone to take part in something  vt. (使)参加      


三单 involves         现在分词 involving

过去分词 involved      同根词  involvement n.


例1: As well as studying hard, I’ve involved in social activities.

 --- 教材原句P15

例2: All who participated have gained a positive outcome from getting involved.  

-- 2020.07天津完形

例3: The things we learn in maturity seldom involve information and skills. We learn to bear with the things we can’t change.

-- 2019天津D篇

例4:She had always assumed that Darcy was involved in the plan to separate Jane and Bingley,but it now appeared that he,not Miss Bingley,was the main cause of all that Jane had suffered,and still continued to suffer.

--- Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》

例5:We take this seriously and are committed to identifying and assessing any involvement we may have had in adverse impacts in line with our human rights and environmental commitments and policies and standards.

 --- The Times-2021-07-22

例6:Growing up in Essex, I had zero clue that I would be involved in the Olympics, or work with the US Olympic team and weightlifting.

--- The Times-2021-07-22


(1)the people involved _______________

(2)an involved plot _________________

(3)be involved with sb _______________


(5)参加,参与  _______________


(1)无论你喜欢做什么, 总有一个方法可以让你参加地球日的各种活动。






(1)the people involved 所涉及的人

(2)an involved plot 复杂的情节

(3)be involved with sb 与某人关系密切

(4)involved sb in sth 让某人参与到某事中

(5)be involved in 参加,参与


(1)无论你喜欢做什么, 总有一个方法可以让你参加地球日的各种活动。

No matter what you like to do, there is a way to get involved in various activities on Earth Day.


This lesson involves a lot of work.


[ˈməutiveit] vt.


to provide the reason why someone does something  vt.成为…的动机    

to make someone want to achieve something  vt. 激发,激励


复数motivations       三单motivates       现在分词motivating  

过去分词motivated     同根词 motivation n. ; motivated adj.


例1: I became more motivated, and I also a lot more ambitious now.  

--- 教材原句P16

例2: More than that, how should you stay motivated to achieve the goal?  

-- 2019全国II卷七选五

例3: You should reassess your goals, and motivate yourself to set a fresh goal.

-- 2019全国II卷七选五

例4:First, the fear of being without money motivates us to work hard, and then once we get that paycheck, greed or desire starts us thinking about all the wonderful things money can buy.  

--- Poor Dad Rich Dad《穷爸爸富爸爸》

例5:He is one of the most motivated, driven people you will ever meet, and absolutely loves to race: he even races in the warm-up.

--- The Times-2021-07-22


(1)one’s motivation for (doing) sth ___________________

(2)a high level of motivation ___________________

(3)激励某人做某事 ___________________

(4)受... 鼓励;出于...的动机___________________








(1)one’s motivation for (doing) sth某人做某事的动机

(2)a high level of motivation积极性很高

(3)motivate sb to do sth 激励某人做某事

(4)be motivated by 受... 鼓励;出于...的动机



Without motivation , you can’t neither set a goal nor reach it.


Creativity is the most quality to keep students interested and motivated.


[iksˈpəuz] vt.


to show something that is usually covered  vt.显露; 暴露

to put someone in a dangerous situation vt.使暴露于险境

to learn about beliefs, ideas etc especially by seeing things vt. 使接触;使体验      


三单exposes         现在分词exposing

过去分词exposed      同根词exposure n.  


例1: Exposure to another culture and its people can give exchange students great insights into the world.  

--- 教材原句P17

例2: "To us, the most likely explanation appears to be that the basis lies in their living with humans, which gives them a lot of exposure to human facial expressions."  

-- 2021.07浙江C篇

例3: "Many people in China have limited exposure to English.

-- 2021.07浙江七选五

例4:The engineers are also trying to develop an on and off"switch"where the glow would fade when exposed to daylight.

 -- 2020 全国I卷D篇

例5:Around that time, the sheikh published a poem, “You Lived, You Died,” that Haya read as a veiled threat: “I exposed you and your games. I have the evidence that convicts you of what you have done.”

---The Washington Post-2021-07-22

例6:But the custody battle had also exposed unanswered questions about the missing princesses.

 ---The Washington Post-2021-07-22


(1)exposure to sth ________________

(2)be exposed to _________________










(1)exposure to sth暴露于...

(2)be exposed to暴露于...

(3)expose oneself to 使自己暴露于




There is evidence that skin cancer is linked to exposure to the sun.


We want to expose our kids to as much art and culture as possible.


[biˈheiv]  vt.&vi.


to do things in a particular way  vt. 举动,表现          

to behave in a way that people think is good or correct vt.&vi.表现得体


复数behaviors          三单behaves        现在分词behaving  

过去分词behaved        同根词behavior n.


例1: Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock when learning how to behave in new surroundings.

--- 教材原句P20

例2: Multiple genes behaved differently, depending on whether someone had eaten or not before walking.  

-- 2020江苏C篇

例3: After a while, she apologized for the way she behaved at the beginning.

-- 2020全国III卷完形

例4:At last it was decided that,as I had behaved so well up to now,I would be kept alive.

--Gulliver's Travels《格列佛游记》

例5:Fabio Gaertner, an associate professor of accounting at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, was also not surprised by the corporate behavior.

---The Washington Post-2021-07-22


(1)behave badly to/towards ________________

(2)well-behaved ________________

(3)使某人自己举止得体 ________________









(1)behave badly to/towards对...表现得很不礼貌


(3)behave oneself使某人自己举止得体

(4)behave well 举止良好


(1)He behaved as if nothing had happened.

(2)The seven-year-old boy was told to behave himself.


[ˈstreŋθən]  vt.&vi


to become stronger or make something stronger  vt.&vi加强;增强;巩固


复数strengths          三单strengthens      现在分词strengthening

过去分词strengthened   同根词strength n.


例1: They have great facilities and outstanding professors, helping to educate young people who will contribute to the economy and further strengthen our country.

 --- 教材原句P20

例2: One idea is that sleep helps us strengthen new memories.

--- 2017北京七选五

例3: Data can strengthen giants’ controlling position.

--- 2017 江苏C篇

例4:When they were compared together, had strengthened), that many of the lookers-on, taking note of him now, said to one another they would hardly have thought the two were so alike.  

---A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》

例5:This suspicion is strengthened by the city’s statement that “we respect free speech but also have a duty to call out speech that does not reflect our city and its values.”

---The Washington Post-2021-07-22

例6:Yes, Antetokounmpo spent these playoffs dunking and dominating in the paint      

like no player since O’Neal. Yes, both thrive off superhero strength and athleticism.

---The Washington Post-2021-07-22


(1)strengths and weaknesses ________________

(2)have the strength to do sth ________________

(3)增强某人的体力 ________________

(4)用尽某人的力气 ________________








(1)strengths and weaknesses 优点和缺点

(2)have the strength to do sth 有做某事的力气

(3)build up one’s strength 增强某人的体力

(4)with all one’s strength 用尽某人的力气



Sleep helps us strengthen new memories.


Diligence is one of his many strengths.  




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